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By |March 26th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorized|

I confess - spring makes me start things. I start fiber projects, home improvement projects, and gardening projects. Unfortunately, I tend to start more than I can possibly finish. Maybe spring makes me optimistic. Maybe it is the pent up energy from the winter blahs. Sometimes I end up feeling like I am spinning around in the room trying to [...]

Springtime on Vashon

By |March 15th, 2014|Categories: Spinning, Uncategorized|

Today is rainy again. Really, as you know, that is the way of the PNW. However color is beginning to break through as spring starts springing. Grays and browns still set the tone, but delicate hues can be found in the woods and the garden. The witch hazel and primroses are each a soft yellow. The moss on the logs [...]

Twill Weave Scarves

By |March 14th, 2014|Categories: |

Three scarves woven with different wefts. Wool and bamboo (Woobu from Blue Moon Fiber Arts in Blood Red) warp. Scarf 1 uses the same, scarf 2 uses Lorna's Laces Shepherds Worsted (Pilsen), and scarf 3 uses just a bit of variegated sock yarn. 2x2 twill for all 3.

More Color Play – Guest Blog

By |March 14th, 2014|Categories: Weaving|

Ann is a long-time friend and fellow weaver. I read part of her post elsewhere and thought it would be a good addition to our color discussion. Designing anything is a challenge - I learned from Ann's process. Here are her thoughts - I spent the winter weaving a scarf for my lovely daughter-in-law Kelly. She had mentioned, when looking [...]

Color Play

By |March 10th, 2014|Categories: Weaving|

It is spring here in the Pacific Northwest. We have some sunny days now and then - glorious and bright - but we have a deserved reputation for rain and it has been very dark a lot. These are the times where I look for color in my projects. And, with spring cleaning, I am looking to find those colors [...]

Eye Candy

By |March 1st, 2014|Categories: Fiber, Spinning|

I feel like a kid in a candy store! My day was a fiber-addict's dream day: all my processed fleeces have returned to me, my new roving project from my fiber club arrived, and my last roving became yarn that I actually like enough to drool over. It is almost more than a person can stand. My roving is amazing. [...]

Always something to learn

By |February 15th, 2014|Categories: Spinning|

When I first learned to spin, many things got in the way of my success including a chair too low, lack of patience, bashfulness (admitting I needed help), and practice. But lots of things made it finally happen for me: videos (especially by Judith McKenzie), classes, the support of friends and fellow spinners, and lots of practice. Of course, no [...]

Pattern Recognition

By |February 11th, 2014|Categories: Weaving|

I had a flash of insight into how my brain works yesterday. I am a creature of pattern. It came to me while I was doing some summer/winter pick-up - a technique that can swiftly drive you batty, but yields beautiful results. The technique I use is based on a Weaver's Craft pamphlet by Jean Scorgie (Weaver's Craft, Plain Tabby [...]


By |January 22nd, 2014|Categories: Knitting|

My recent vacation trip made me think about the portability of my fiber addiction. A small confession - I am not a big fan of just sitting. While I am by no means hyperactive (a good book, a crackling fire, and a nice cozy chair make for a lovely afternoon), I cannot seem to "just" sit at a meeting, ride [...]

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