And Meanwhile, Knitting

Spring has sprung, the blankets are done, and knitting is still number one. (Despite the image that leads this post.) Yes, I finished those blankets and I have a plan for the next phase of experimentation. I find myself between warps and interested in finishing a bunch of knitting projects. As I look back, I realize a lot has happened since [...]

By |June 26th, 2017|Categories: Knitting|0 Comments

Yoga and Springtime

I just looked back and noticed it has been almost four months since last I wrote. Springtime has arrived here in the Pacific Northwest and with it a fever of sorts. In my personal life, I have hurled myself into a new yoga practice and time with my daughter's young family (both of which I find invigorating and intensely interesting). [...]

By |April 16th, 2017|Categories: Knitting, Weaving|2 Comments
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