Because I am recently retired, I have been able to take part in various communal activities.  I live on an island that has a very active arts community – so of course we have weaving, spinning, and knitting groups.  Additionally, there are several weaving guilds in the area.  It is impossible to attend them all, but I am really enjoying those I do attend.  So it was with excitement that I signed up for the Strung Along Retreat at the Inn at Port Ludlow. (

As the time grew closer, however, I started getting nervous.  My job prior to retirement had been high stress and I had obviously internalized a few of those things.  I worried about everything: would I be good enough, would there be people there I liked, would I be able to keep up with the classes, would the day-long classes drive me crazy, and on and on and on.  I got so nervous, I contemplated (for a moment, only) not going!   Very foolish of course.

I drove to the Inn and registered, hauling 2 spinning wheels and various knitting paraphenalia up to my room.  I nervously sorted through my things and took myself downstairs for dinner and the opening meeting.  And what did I find there?  Lots of super friendly people!  Lots of skill levels!  People who knew things I didn’t (which is why I was there, of course) and people who did things I couldn’t.  It was the beginning of a great weekend.  People reached out – they helped each other – and they had fun just doing what we love to do.  Is that perfect?

Certainly the tone was set by the wonderful teachers.  And certainly the ambiance of the Inn didn’t hurt.  But I walked away realizing that all that fear was silly and determined to let go of my work history – no matter how long it takes.  I love doing these things and, if I have an opportunity to do them with others and learn something besides, then I plan on relishing it.

Next time – a Knitting Revelation…