I am slowly learning that this whole finishing thing is more involved than just completing the creation of an item. I once had a boss who exhorted us to get to “Done! Done! Done!” by which he meant: our group thought it was done, our client thought it was done, and our users thought it was done. Now that I am my own boss, I define it as: the item is created, the documentation is complete (pictures, project notes, etc.), and I have shared it with the appropriate people in my world.
Of course, nothing is done until the item is fully realized. Just thinking doesn’t make it so. I sometimes tire of the creation halfway through (socks and sleeves are notorious for this curse). For me, a lot of the joy comes from figuring out my approach, designing my item, or getting the set-up just right. My husband, who builds houses, says it is like siding: you do one side, enjoying the process, getting into how it is going together. Once done, you step back, look at it with pride, then realize you have 3 more sides of the house to do! I do love the feeling of a completed creation, though, so I keep going.
Then there is the documentation, key to any successful project. I use my Ravelry account to record a lot of my project notes. The site is well-designed for knitters, crocheters, and spinners (although they are still growing the weaving project capability). When I repeat a pattern, my notes help me avoid repeating problems. When I try out a new knitting pattern, I can use notes from those who have gone before me! For example, with the Celestarium shawl, I selected an edge trim pattern after reading through hundreds of pattern notes.
Last there is the sharing, which involves taking pictures and imagining the end use of the item. Is it a table runner? Can people imagine what it would look like on a table or can I show them? If it is a blanket, can I give them a sense of the coziness or the texture in a photo? This week saw me finish creating 3 items and I am thrilled. But I still have a long way to go before I am Done! Done! Done! Which of the above blanket photos evokes cozy, soft, and cuddly? Does the picture below of my linen woven table runner say elegant table? Feel free to let me know what you think.
And of course, while I continue to refine my approach, I have two more socks to create before the month is out! Onward!
That shawl in the first photo is gorgeous. All your creations are beautiful!